New Speech Next Week

I am very excited to be speaking next week at Christiana Care in Delaware. They have asked me to speak at their employee awards ceremony, and I am very honored to be able to share my story and ideas with them. Also, it is still very hot in Florida with NO snow, so I am hoping that I will get to see some snow while I am there.

Anyone have any questions for me that I should include in my talk?
Any tips or suggestions from my past talks (many are posted here on my blog)?

Thank you to Christiana Care for inviting me. I really love getting to share my experiences and ideas. I think I become even more passionate about patient experience as time goes on. I would love to hear from you, so please leave me a comment.

Remembering Differences

Tonight, I had dinner with a friend that I hadn’t really talked to in a long time. We had a great time catching up at dinner. She is in the CNA program at our school, but when asked whether she wanted to be a nurse, she said absolutely not because the blood makes her pass out. She started telling stories about getting blood drawn, and her stories were pretty funny. However, what wasn’t funny is that almost every story she referenced how the nurse or person drawing her blood didn’t understand that she can’t help passing out or vomiting. It is something that just happens to her. She has tried to work through it, but regardless, she either gets sick or passes out each time.

I also found it interesting that she is thinking about a career as a child life specialist so that she can help kids not be scared. When I was first diagnosed, I was terrified at having blood drawn. It literally made me anxious and sick. Now, I am pretty sure I could start my own IV and take my own blood. 🙂 However, I think it is important to remember that these things are not routine to everyone. Their fear and symptoms can be very real to them. At the very least, we should acknowledge them when they tell us and see what we can do to ease the fears.

My Talk at the Dignity Health Patient Experience Summit

Last fall, I was honored to be invited to speak at the Dignity Health Summit Patient Experience Summit. I wrote about it here.

Dignity Health has been kind enough to share the video from that event with me and has given me permission to share it. I would love for you to leave any comments about it.

Thank you to Dignity Health for having me, for sharing the video, and for supporting Cure jM!

If you would like to have me speak at your event, please email me at 🙂