Why does everything beep?

Another annoying thing in the hospital is the beeping. Why does the IV pump need to beep loudly in my ear when the nurse is the only one who can fix it? Doesn’t it make more sense for it to beep next to the person who can do something about it? It is especially annoying when I have a headache (which is after each of my treatments). With all of the technology today, surely there is the ability to make it quiet in my room but loud by the nurse?

Also, the nurse call buttons are getting fancier, but it appears that the hospitals aren’t really ready to handle them. For example, the pain button on the remote. It doesn’t do anything different than the Nurse button. If I push the pain button, shouldn’t the person answering know I am asking for something for pain?

And seriously, why does it call a person sitting at a desk who then needs to find the nurse? Can it not page the nurse and then she could pass it to someone else if needed? It is not only annoying to have to tell my problems to the speaker, but I also never know who is listening near the desk on the other end. And, to top it off, they sometimes turn off the light before my nurse comes so I am left waiting when nobody is coming (this is pretty rare as they really do try to come quickly, but it is always a concern because you don’t know if it is working).

Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive after my first video. I will keep making videos about good and frustrating experiences in healthcare. Please comment if you have ideas for a post! Also, I am at home now. I recorded this video during my recent hospital stay for meningitis, but I am recovering at home now.


This is a video I made which includes information on what I have done since the last video and what I plan on doing. Thanks for all the support! You have encouraged me to keep going with this and make more videos.

Thanks again,


(P.S. The first video was originally posted on my moms youtube channel so I have re-uploaded it to a new channel that only I will use. The link to my new channel is here.)

I am a patient and I need to be heard

After four nights in the hospital, I made this video expressing my frustration over the lack of sleep you get while admitted. I also talk about the importance of listening to the patients wants and needs. Have you had a similar experience that needs to be solved?

E-patient Dave wrote an article about my video on Forbes.com

It has gotten quite a bit of attention:)