Family Centered Rounds – Published!

Life has been so busy that I didn’t even realize my first official published article was posted! I was asked to review a published study about family centered rounds for the Hospital Pediatrics journal. My original pediatric hospital did some form of family centered rounds even when I was diagnosed in 2010, so I haven’t really known the healthcare world without it. I have found some benefits and some frustrations with it, so I was very interested in the study found here.

The results published were very interesting.

RESULTS: Thirty rounding sessions involving 234 encounters of FCR over a 12-week period were analyzed. On average, teams spent 7 minutes in each patient room and approximately the same amount of time outside of the room. Attending physicians were the dominant medical speakers during rounds (30.8%), and nurses spoke the least (2%). When inside a patient room, there was no significant difference between the percentage of time that attending physicians spoke (25.6%) and that of families and patients (23.0%). The surveys revealed that the medical team consistently underestimated the percentage of time attending physicians talked and desired attending physicians to talk less. They also overestimated the time spent in the patient rooms, the time families talked, and nurse presence during rounds and desired an increase in each of these areas.” Pickel et al

The best part was in the Conclusion:

“Medical teams believe and desire that attending physicians talk less and families and nurses talk more than observations reveal.” Pickel et al

My discussion article that was also published in Hospital Pediatrics can be found here.

I obviously am all for more collaboration with patients, and I highlighted that in my conclusion. I am excited to see this type of study taking place.

“One example that would be great is having a truly patient-centered rounding system to evaluate whether it is possible to include all providers and family in rounds at 1 time and then assess whether it makes a significant difference in patient experience or outcomes. We would also like to see a study examining whether waking patients up early for rounds affects their participation and outcomes compared with letting them wake up naturally. Another valuable study would be to evaluate the perceptions of the patient on the rounding process compared with the perceptions of the providers and nurses on discharge. This study provides a great model for additional understanding, and we hope to see more like it in the future.” – Morgan Gleason and Amy Gleason

How would you like to see collaboration and family rounding happen?