Time with Family

I think I feel my best when I get to spend time with my family. I got to spend a nice break with my grandfather, parents, siblings, uncles, aunt, and my dog. We relaxed, laughed, and had a boat parade for the 4th of July. My family is always watching to see if I am feeling ok, and they are always thinking ahead to keep me out of the sun or to make sure we aren’t doing something that would make me feel worse. It is nice to have such a supportive family. When do you feel your best?

I also got to go with my mom to the White House where she won an award for being a Champion of Change for Precision Medicine. It was so great to see her get such an honor, and I am so proud of her! Here is her blog post, and here is a link to the video (she starts at 2:22 in).

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